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Water Efficiency Performance Policy


KYEC Electronics Co., Ltd. is committed to providing integrated IC back-end all-round services, and has become a world-class professional testing factory. Considering the company's water characteristics and scale, the company is committed to environmental protection and corporate social responsibility. We promise to fully implement the water resource efficiency management system in order to declare our determination to support the overall goal of water resource efficiency management. To convey the correct message to the employees under the company organization and all stakeholders, and promise the following:

  1. Establish overall goals and water resource efficiency goals, and continuously implement, review and improve water resource efficiency management policies and systems.
  2. Comply with water resources laws and applicable requirements, and continuously improve water resource efficiency performance.
  3. Support design activities that consider water efficiency performance to improve water use efficiency.
  4. Regularly review and achieve water resource efficiency goals, and continue to implement the water resource efficiency management system.
  5. All employees participate in saving water and reducing waste of water resources

The policy above is published to the public for appealing all employees and the public to participate and work on environment, safety and hygiene.

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