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Salary system

  • Competitive salary level
  • Fair and smooth promotion pipeline
  • National holiday bonus, incentive bonus and profit sharing(depends on revenue)
  • Process Improvement Bonus, Project Bonus, Patent Bonus(depends on the revenue)
  • Performance bonus given to the production line colleagues according to their performance

Employee Benefits

  • Travel subsidy
  • Staff dorm
  • Employee regular health check
  • Free parking indoors and outdoors
  • Free professionals massage
  • Department dine together subsidy
  • Senior staff bonus
  • Reading room
  • Free legal counseling
  • Contracted stores preferential service
  • Important festivals, birthday vouchers
  • Staff restaurant, meal subsidy
  • Psychological counseling room, breastfeeding room
  • Free medical consultation, infirmary
  • Convenience store, coffee bar station
  • Wedding, funeral, birth, injury, hospitalization subsidy

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