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Human Rights Management


In order to protect and promote human rights, KYEC complies with the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "International Labor Organization-Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights of Work", "Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Covenant", and "Guiding Principles of the United Nations Enterprise and Human Rights." Such as internationally recognized human rights standards, support and respect the laws and regulations of the locations of operating sites around the world, and adopt specifications consistent with the "Code of Conduct for the Responsible Business Alliance" to implement human rights protection. KYEC has formulated a human rights policy to prevent any violation of human rights, so as to ensure that all employees  (including contracts and temporary personnel),suppliers, and outsourcers (including suppliers who provide contract labor),all must abide by this  policy and measures. we promise: 

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements

Comply with local government regulations on labor, human rights,  gender equality, etc. Provide a safe and healthy working environment for employees.

  • Establish good labor-management interaction

Ensure that all work is voluntary and do not hire employees under forced or compulsory conditions. Prohibition of child labor, prohibition of harassment, respect for privacy and freedom of association. Eliminate unlawful discrimination and ensure equal employment opportunities.

  • Support transparency of open information

Promote human rights education and training, regularly assess human rights risks, and report the results to senior managers. Show the company‘s human rights claims through the company’s website,  announcements, etc.

  • Create a friendly workplace environment

Establish diversified communication and appeal channels, smooth and instant communication of opinions, and achieve effective problem solving. If there is a violation of human rights or labor laws, promptly take remedial measures.

  • Promote family life and work balance

Establish a health management and promotion plan, attach importance to the physical and mental health of employees, and assist in maintaining employees' lives and work. 

The above policies are open to the public, all employees and suppliers abide by human rights, and jointly fulfill corporate society responsibilities.

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