Quality Policies Supply Chain Security Policies Labor & Business Ethics Policies Environment Protection, Safety and Hygiene Policies Energy Policy Human Rights Management Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Policy for Sourcing Conflict Minerals Policy for HSPM System Business Continuity Management System Water Efficiency Performance Policy

Labor & Business Ethics Policies

KYEC is a professional semiconductor testing enterprise that dedicates its efforts to provide integrated IC backend turn-key service. As a leading company of this field, taking good care of our staff without fail is our major responsibility and first priority. Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (RBA CODE) was adopted as the basis of our CSR policy to ensure the working conditions are safe, workers are treated with respect and dignity, the business operations are environmentally responsible, the business ethics are implemented, and the improvement actions are continued. We promise to:

  1. Legal Compliance

    KYEC and all its employees are required to comply with all domestic and local health, safety, and labor laws and regulations.

  2. Freely Chosen Employment

    All personnel are employed voluntarily without the threat coerced employment.

  3. Humane Treatment and Non-Discrimination

    Never hire child labor, apply physical or verbal abuse or use any form of unlawful harassment and intimidation. Do not engage in or support discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, national or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, political opinions, and age that could give rise to discrimination.

  4. Reasonable Wages and Benefits

    Comply with all wage relevant domestic and local regulations, and clearly disclose related management and documents to employees.

  5. Protection of Intellectual Property

    KYEC will protect the intellectual property, proprietary information, and confidential data of its customers, partners and suppliers.

  6. Disclosure of Information

    Create internal/external communication channels. Open communication is strongly encouraged and recommended between employees, customers, management and investors. Periodically disclose the achievement or policies to external interest party through company web site, e-mail or public announcement.

  7. Integrity Business

    The Company accepts only the highest moral standards and employee integrity. Corruption and artifice are strictly prohibited.

  8. Society Participation & Responsibility

    Enthusiastically participate the social community activities and encourage related partners to promote social accountability.

  9. The policy above

    is published to the public for appealing all employees and the public to participate and work on labor and corporate society responsibility.

  10. Commitment of Non-use for the Conflict Metals (Minerals)

    For protecting the human rights, health, and environmental resource of workers in material production area, we promise the metals (cobalt (Co), gold (Au), palladium (Pd), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), and tungsten (W)) in the manufacturing process and product of delivery to customer do not contain the conflict metals (minerals) which are supplied direct or indirect from the illegal mine of conflict region. Meantime, we will deliver this issue to all of our supplies to follow up.

  11. Remark: These metals have a variety of sources, including what has been termed as a “conflict region”, the Eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The mines are in conflict areas which are controlled by non-government military groups, or unlawful military factions (“Conflict Metals or Minerals”). Illegal mining profits by local military groups in the Eastern DRC are contributing to human rights abuses, environmental travesties, and theft from the Country’s citizens.

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